



come to an end(終わる)

come to an end(終わる)

【例文】I haven’t finished my homework yet, but the summer vacation has come to an end.(宿題が済んでないのに、夏休みが終わっちゃった)

come close(近づく)

come close(近づく)

【例文】Oh, you ate a lot of garlic? Don’t come close to me today.(ニンニクをたくさん食べたって? 今日は近づかないでくれる?)

come to terms with(~に同意する)

come to terms with(~に同意する)

【例文】I will never come to terms with the end of this story!(この話の結末、納得いかないよ!!)

come on time(間に合う)

come on time(間に合う)

【例文】I think I should be late… I know she won’t come on time.(遅れて行こう。どうせ彼女は時間通り来ないからさ)

come to compromise(妥協する)

come to compromise(妥協する)

【例文】They came to a compromise about what to do today, and decided to do nothing.(今日は何をするか、お互い妥協した結果何もしないことになった)


