【早口言葉】英語で遊んで発音練習! ~PART 40~

「生麦生米生卵」「バスガス爆発」「かえるぴょこぴょこ……」年代を問わず必死になって言ってしまう早口言葉。英語ではTongue Twistersといいます。


英語の早口言葉(Tongue Twisters)

When You Write Copy…

When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write.

The Roman Ruins

Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.

Tie Twine to…

Tie twine to three tree twigs.


When a doctor doctors a doctor,
does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor
as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored
or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor
as he wants to doctor?



